Short description
This virus, initially posted as a list of password to pornographic sites, comes under the form of an attached Word document called list.doc (in its initial variant - new documents will probably be infected in the future). When opened in Word, a macro will execute and e-mail up to 50 recipients with the following message
From: (name of infected user) 

Subject: Important Message From (name of infected user) 

To: (50 names from alias list) 

Here is that document you asked for ... 

don't show anyone else ;-) 

Attachment: LIST.DOC

The virus activates if it is executed when the minutes of the hour match the day of the month - for example 18:27 on the 27th day of a month. It will insert the sentence "Twenty-two points, plus triple-word-score, plus fifty points for using all my letters. Game's over. I'm outta here"...
Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Word 2000 and Microsoft Outlook are the virus' main targets. Users of other e-mail packages are relatively safe, although special care must of course be taken since the virus can spread normally and infect a Word or Outlook user later. (27/03/99)
In practice
Do not open list.doc, regardless of the fact that it appears to have been sent by a friend, password protect your normal.dot ! As a sidenote, it should ne noted that this virus was previously detected by F-PROT heuristics.
This virus seems to be a very fast spreader, probably because many people will open attachments without any question if they appear to have been sent by friends or at least regular correspondents

DataRescue 45 quai de la Dérivation 4020 Liège (Belgium) tel 32-4-3446510 fax 32-4-3446514 Please send us your questions or comments.